Take this assessment BEFORE you attend The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Workshop. It will:
  • Help you identify your current level of personal and interpersonal effectiveness.
  • Help you analyze how your time is spent.
  • Generate a printed report for use during the workshop.
  • Show how your score compares to an effectiveness Benchmark.
  • Take about 5 minutes to complete.
Take this assessment 21 days AFTER you have attended The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Workshop. It will:
  • Help you see your progress in key areas taught in the workshop.
  • Show how your score compares to an effectiveness Benchmark.
  • Take about 10 minutes to complete.
Click here to take your pre-assessment. (All answers are anonymous.)
Click here to take your post-assessment. (All answers are anonymous.)
NOTE: To view and print your report, you must have Acrobat Reader installed. If you do not already have it, click here.

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